Our prices are usually calculated on a Free-On-Board basis. However, for some shipment destinations, we can also calculate based on Cost and Freight.
Our prices are usually calculated on a Free-On-Board basis. However, for some shipment destinations, we can also calculate based on Cost and Freight.
Prices vary and depend on local and global market conditions. Get in touch [Link to contact page] with us today for current information.
Coffee is available in Kenya throughout the year. Depending on availability of the shipping vessel, usually we can ship your order within 15 days.
Kenyan coffee is graded by size, weight and shape into 12 different grades: E, AA, AB, TT, C, PB, E, T, UG1, UG2, MH and ML.
The Coffee Board of Kenya provides a more detailed explanation of our grading system here.
We can accommodate orders beginning at one 20-foot container. If the shipment requires sisal bags, the number will range from 250 to 320 bags of 60 kg each. If bulk shipment is required, the number will range from 340 to 360 bags of 60 kg each.
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